Events Toolkit

Events Toolkit

Welcome to the Anchor Food Professionals Events Toolkit, your one-stop destination for all your event requirements!

Is your market planning a trade event, masterclass, or a customer visit? You're in the right place. This toolkit is a step-by-step guide, to planning and executing a flawless event in your market. 

In the resources below, you can find everything from stand design files, to stand banners and a planning guide for upcoming events – encompassing learnings we've had from events across the globe.

For more information or feedback, please contact

Events Planning Documents

Taking all of the learning from our markets and incorporating your insights into what makes a great Trade event, we have created templates to ensure you plan your event to perfection!

Events Guidelines

Guidelines that take you step by step, on how to plan and execute a successful Trade Event.

Events Manual

Our Event manual provides you with templates to plan & manage the following event planning activities: Budget, Shopping list, collateral list, runsheet, staff attending and timetable, RAPID, comms plan, checklist of considerations, demo timetable, key contacts, project timeline, action items, masterclass project plan, project group, product order form.

Event Brief Form (for trade events, masterclasses)

This form is to be filled out before you begin your event planning – and shared with the Global Anchor Food Professionals marketing team via email.

Decision Making Tree

A tool created to help you decide what size stand you should book, based on what size is best for demonstrating certain products or channel-led applications.

Customer Visit Form

This form is to be filled out when you are asked to organise a customer visit. This helps to ensure alignment on the experience + collateral needing to be organised for the customer.

Events Design Files

Freshly updated events collateral for you to share with your designers to localise!

Stand Banners

Design files for your event banner needs.

Stand Design Files

The design files for each different size event! These are perfect to share with your stand builder/agency.

Recipe Cards

Recipe templates to support the amazing samples, demos and recipes on stand!


Merchandise to give away or use on stand; more coming soon!


Updated Anchor Food Professionals Staff and Chef Uniforms

Helpful Briefing Guides

There is a lot of planning that goes into events, which can be time consuming. We have made Anchor Food Professionals branded briefs that outline key considerations to include when briefing different event activities. Download the files & make them your own!

Staff Briefing Document

Got an event coming up? Use this template to align all staff working at the event on key roles, responsibilities, objectives, timings, health & safety protocol and other key information. This document is used to present to relevant teams to ensure alignment before the event.

ROI Reporting Doc

Used as a summary of the events success against the objectives you have set as a project team.

Stand Build Brief

When building a stand there are key things to consider; is here wheelchair access? Are the benches high enough for our chefs to cook on? This stand build brief document helps to outline the key considerations when building your stand.

Brand Guidelines

Consistency is key when we show up at events. We want to be sharing the same Anchor Food Professionals brand identity with the world to build strong brand awareness. Please refer all design and key decisions to our global brand guidelines. If in doubt – please reach out to our global marketing team members!