Nutrition Toolkit

Nutrition Toolkit

A place to find plug & play external marketing and communications tools to help our category teams and commercial brands tell our dairy nutrition story.

The Nutrition Toolkit brings our Fonterra nutrition identity to life through compelling messaging, videos, infographics, and photography. 

Designed as a ‘one source of truth’ to make it easier for our category teams and commercial brands to leverage our compelling dairy nutrition arguments and localise through their own marketing and communications channels. 

All tools have been approved by regulatory & legal. But please still check with your local in-market regulatory and legal teams before using these tools externally to ensure adherence to in-market product claim requirements. 

For any questions at all please contact Chelsea Coe.


We know successful brands are built on great narratives and we have a compelling one we can all tell when it comes to dairy nutrition. We have built a comprehensive dairy nutrition messaging matrix signed off by regulatory and legal. Along with key messages / Q&A and approved proof points. 

Message Matrix

We want to make copy-writing easier for our brands with plug and play opportunities for marketing campaigns. Aligning customer and consumer user journeys when it comes to our story around dairy nutrition – where it makes sense and is useful.

Key Messages / Q&A

For external communications we have developed key messages and a detailed Q&A to answer the burning questions. Please utilise these for any customer and retailer queries or simply to upskill yourself on the key topics. We will update these frequently.

Proof Points

Providing the substantiation for our message matrix. Designed as a reference guide for you to delve into the detail and have confidence in the compelling arguments we are making around dairy nutrition.


A suite of key nutrient claims and associated benefits for our brands to leverage.


We have developed a suite of videos profiling nutrition experts (both in Fonterra and externally) speaking on the hard-hitting topics. Please review and use in your marketing collateral, presentations, social media or website. Simple animations and more expert videos to come! Check back soon. If you require an alternative end frame to suit your audience needs, please contact Aimee Sherer.

Annette Yiu, Nutrition and Regulatory Specialist at Fonterra

Discover a collection of Annette Yiu's featured videos, offering insights into the latest in nutrition and dairy. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Courtney Gerlach, Nutrition and Regulatory Specialist at Fonterra

Dive into a collection of videos featuring Courtney Gerlach, Fonterra's Nutrition and Regulatory specialist. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Dr Nick Smith, Research Officer at the Riddet Institute

Discover videos featuring Dr Nick Smith, where he shares his expertise as a research officer at the Riddet Institute. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Julian Mellentin, Founder of New Nutrition Business

Discover Julian Mellentin's insightful videos, your go-to source for the latest trends in nutrition and health. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Laura Anderson, Global Head of Nutrition at Fonterra

Explore a collection of Laura Anderson's videos, offering insights into the latest in nutrition and dairy. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Maher Fuad, Health & Nutrition Science Manager at Fonterra

Discover a collection of Maher Fuad's featured videos, offering insights into the latest in nutrition and dairy. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Simon Gilmour, Registered Nutritionist and Senior Research Scientist at Fonterra

Discover videos featuring Simon Gilmour, where he shares his expertise as a registered nutritionist and senior research scientist. Various formats available. Subtitle and no subtitle options.

Social Videos

Various formats available – 4x5 and 1x1. Subtitles.


We find simple is best when telling our dairy nutrition story. So, we’ve built a suite of one-page A4 infographics to support you in telling the compelling arguments around why we believe milk and dairy are so unique. With more infographics to come! Use and leverage to compliment your marketing conversations with customers and retailers alike. You may find these helpful on stand at trade events. 

A naturally nutritious superfood

Milk is a natural superfood – packed with goodness, it delivers an impressive array of nutrients in every glass.

Goodness that’s hard to match

Milk contains a unique nutrient bundle and offers a delicious, creamy taste that plant-based beverages find hard to match.

Milk helps feed the world

Milk and dairy products provide a significant source of important nutrients to billions of humans across the globe.

Naturally cheese: Naturally good

Cheese is nutrient rich and is made from all natural ingredients – fresh cow’s milk, an enzyme rennet, starter culture and salt. Explore the cheese matrix.


We have built a suite of new dairy nutrition imagery. This imagery can be used by our brands in marketing collateral, presentations, social media or website. Images will be worldwide paid media usage rights in perpetuity (check license details on assets for more details). This imagery can be used to create new assets for local campaigns.


Discover images featuring a variety of dairy products here.


A collection of images showcasing the versatile uses and applications of dairy products here.


Explore images capturing the essence of family moments with dairy products here.